Meet the Instructor

Robert T. Spoon
Sensei Robert Spoon’s desire for intense training began at the young age of six, when he started boxing for his hometown of Gloucester, Ma. After seven years of boxing and two New England Jr. Olympic championships, Mr. Spoon found his true calling in the art of Uechi-Ryu karate and began his martial arts career at the age of 13.
Following his dream of traveling and training, Mr. Spoon enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and lived in Okinawa, Japan for five years, 1991-1996. There he had the honor of studying under the tutelage of world-renowned Grandmaster Tsumo Nakahodo at the famed Meigusku dojo in Naha. “Nakahodo sensei is the epitome of a true master, not only in his karate ability and understanding of the martial arts, but also in his unsurpassed example of living life in accordance with the tenants of patience, compassion and perseverance. I could not have had a better role model on and off the dojo floor.” says Mr. Spoon, looking back fondly to his time in Okinawa.
Currently a sixth-degree black belt, Sensei Spoon has many tournament wins and top finalists places to his credit; a 1994 All Okinawan Karate Championship top eight finalist placement and two New England lightweight sparring titles to name a few.
Mr. Spoon is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of Massachusetts, a proud U.S. military veteran and a devoted father of three. He loves sharing his passion for the martial arts with others and developing tomorrow’s leaders.